We're a locally focused Green Party with an excellent track record and big ambitions to make this area the greenest and best place to live in the country. Donate and register for updates to get involved.

🌟 1 Green MP (Adrian Ramsay for Waveney Valley)

🌟 24 district councillors on Mid Suffolk District Council

🌟 3 county councillors on Suffolk County Council

🌟 5 town councillors at Stowmarket Town Council

We're the only major political party in the UK that commits to a life based on democracy and justice within the planet's limits.

We've always dared to be different - and we’ve always known the power of good ideas. We understand that inequality is not just unfair, but damaging to everyone in society.

The Green Party has the bold solutions, which allow us to offer inspiration in this age of uncertainty.

Electric Taxi initiative blocked by Conservative chair casting vote

By news | 16 August 2021

Green and Lib Dem councillors voted against Mid Suffolk’s policy on taxis at the Licensing and Regulatory Committee, because the policy fails to support operators to transition to low and zero carbon taxi services. Councillor Daniel Pratt, Licensing Committee member, said “Our council has unanimously declared a climate emergency and has agreed we must do […]

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Gateway 14 needs a day and a committee of 16

By news | 13 August 2021

A decision on the roads, infrastructure and outline of a major commercial development on the edge of Stowmarket is listed as the first of 8 agenda items for decision by Mid Suffolk’s planning committee A on Wednesday 18th August.   The opposition Green and Liberal Democrat group has called for the decision to be taken […]

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Green oasis set to strengthen Mid Suffolk’s biodiversity

By news | 11 August 2021

Green Party councillors have welcomed the Council’s success in buying a parcel of riverside land which had changed hands twice this year as speculators considered development. Ward representative Councillor John Matthissen persuaded officers and cabinet member for environment, Councillor Jessica Fleming, that the land formed a key part of the biodiversity corridor along the River […]

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