We're a locally focused Green Party with an excellent track record and big ambitions to make this area the greenest and best place to live in the country. Donate and register for updates to get involved.

🌟 1 Green MP (Adrian Ramsay for Waveney Valley)

🌟 24 district councillors on Mid Suffolk District Council

🌟 3 county councillors on Suffolk County Council

🌟 5 town councillors at Stowmarket Town Council

We're the only major political party in the UK that commits to a life based on democracy and justice within the planet's limits.

We've always dared to be different - and we’ve always known the power of good ideas. We understand that inequality is not just unfair, but damaging to everyone in society.

The Green Party has the bold solutions, which allow us to offer inspiration in this age of uncertainty.

Suffolk Greens celebrate ‘treble, treble’ election success

By news | 15 May 2021

The Green Party’s Suffolk County Council representation increased from three to nine councillors in the elections last week, making the Green Party the second largest political group. Mid Suffolk Green Party increased their representation from one to three and were delighted that this achievement was matched by both Babergh Green Party and Waveney Green Party. […]

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Queen’s Speech misses opportunities

By news | 11 May 2021

Queen’s Speech has nothing to improve social and environmental inequalities say local Green councillors In the midst of a climate and biodiversity emergency, the Government’s Queen’s Speech missed so many opportunities today. The Climate and Ecological Emergency bill, introduced by Caroline Lucas last year with cross-party support, won’t find parliamentary time. Instead, the parliamentary schedule […]

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Record Green Party slate for Suffolk County council elections

By news | 9 April 2021

As nominations close the Green Party has announced 55 candidates for the County elections as well as more for Ipswich Borough, various district by-elections and the police commissioner ballot. Across the county the greens are fielding members with a wide age-range and diverse skills, professions and experience. Andrew Stringer, seeking re-election for his Upper Gipping […]

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