We're a locally focused Green Party with an excellent track record and big ambitions to make this area the greenest and best place to live in the country. Donate and register for updates to get involved.

🌟 1 Green MP (Adrian Ramsay for Waveney Valley)

🌟 24 district councillors on Mid Suffolk District Council

🌟 3 county councillors on Suffolk County Council

🌟 5 town councillors at Stowmarket Town Council

We're the only major political party in the UK that commits to a life based on democracy and justice within the planet's limits.

We've always dared to be different - and we’ve always known the power of good ideas. We understand that inequality is not just unfair, but damaging to everyone in society.

The Green Party has the bold solutions, which allow us to offer inspiration in this age of uncertainty.

Walnut tree walk loses its eponymous trees

By news | 3 February 2021

Mixed messages given to dismayed residents after felling of much-loved trees Shocked residents have been asking Mid Suffolk District Council why the walnut trees along Walnut Tree Walk have recently been felled, but to date have received a series of contradictory explanations in response. The Council initially issued a statement saying there was permission to […]

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Pound coins

Council property company buy business centre in Coventry

By news | 2 February 2021

Property company Cifco, owned by Babergh and Mid Suffolk councils, has bought yet another faraway building. Green & Liberal Democrat Shadow portfolio for investments Councillor John Matthissen said: ” I am sure the people of Coventry will welcome this investment in their local economy. I know however from many comments from constituents and others locally […]

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Laptop computers for home schooling

By news | 22 January 2021

Government preparations for on-line home learning not good enough Green Party councillor Wendy Turner, for Mid Suffolk, added: “I’m glad schools are now beginning to help all families that are struggling with the lack of computer devices as it must be near impossible to work from a phone screen. “Forward planning is missing from central […]

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