Mid Suffolk District and Stowmarket Town Councillor for Combs Ford

Elected as district councillor for Combs Ford (Stowmarket) in May 2023.
I’ve lived in Suffolk most of my life as I am originally from Ipswich. I’ve been in Stowmarket for the last decade after moving here to live with my partner and I have found Stowmarket very welcoming including as a non binary person.
I am proud to live in a town which has an arts centre, a large museum and a refurbished 3 screen cinema and businesses who contribute to wider town events. As I am passionate about arts, culture and heritage, having all this within walking distance is wonderful.
I also feel Stowmarket is lucky to have woodlands such as Combs Wood so close. I’m writing this in summer when having a cool shaded area to walk is wonderful, and as the climate crisis worsens will be more and more relied upon.
I work as an administrator and diversity champion at a community arts charity and am a manager at a library. The skills and experience from these jobs fit well with the community focus of the town council. This experience also helps me be mindful of how we can improve equality and inclusion.
In my spare time I’m an avid listener of audiobooks of all genres from sci-fi to chick lit and enjoy reading non fiction ranging from vegan cookery books to history books, I can usually be found at a festival during the summer. In the other seasons, more time is spent watching live music, theatre or films or enjoying a beer (including some surprisingly good low/no alcohol ones), cider or perry in one of Stowmarket’s real ale pubs.
Areas Miles represents
Stowmarket Town Council and Mid Suffolk District Council
Combs Ford Ward as your Green Party town and district councillor. Stowmarket Town Council Profile Mid Suffolk District Council Profile
Get in touch
Stowmarket Town Council and Mid Suffolk District Council
13 Bridge Street
IP14 1BP
miles.row@stowmarket.org – Stowmarket Town Council
miles.row@midsuffolk.gov.uk – Mid Suffolk District Council
Please note Miles’s pronouns are they/them/their.