Suffolk has less to spend on potholes say Greens

Cuts to government funding for road maintenance in Suffolk make it impossible for the county council to make long-term plans to repair roads across the area, opposition councillors have warned.

Green councillor Andrew Stringer said his political group – which also includes Liberal Democrat and Independent councillors – was worried that many urgent schemes would be delayed because it was impossible to make long-term plans.

Last year the council received £31million for road repairs and drainage work – largely repairing potholes but also undertaking preventative work to stop future problems.

This year it is receiving £27m – although there had been fears earlier in the winter that there might be no help.

Mr Stringer said: “It’s a bit like someone telling you that they’re going to punch you twice in the face and then expecting you to be grateful if they only punch you once.”

Paul Geater EADT

Published: 5:30 AM February 19, 2021

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