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Statement on Green Party Policy on Clean Renewable Energy for Suffolk 

From Adrian Ramsay, Leader of the Green Party and MP candidate for Waveney Valley In Suffolk we are blessed with strong winds, lots of sun and ports to service offshore wind farms. But these assets are not being used to their full.   The Green Party supports the transition of the grid to 100% renewables […]

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Mid Suffolk Council celebrates “exhilarating” first year under Green leadership

A year ago, the citizens of Mid Suffolk became the first in the country to elect a Green majority local government. Now the Green administration has produced a progress report listing its top achievements and are promising more to come. Adrian Ramsay, national Green Party co-leader and MP candidate for Waveney Valley, which includes much […]

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Voters endorse Green council as Lorraine wins Mid Suffolk by-election 

Mid Suffolk Green Party councillors have welcomed their newest colleague, Lorraine Baker, who won the Chilton, Stowmarket by-election held on Thursday 2nd May.  Lorraine becomes a member of the 24-strong Green team which last year became the first in the country to gain an overall majority and run their council. She will also be able […]

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Statement on the defection of Dr Dan Poulter MP by Suffolk’s Green council leaders

When the news began to circulate on Saturday afternoon that Dr Poulter had defected to the Labour Party (never an easy decision), surprise and disbelief were our initial reactions.  We then watched the interview explaining his reasoning with interest, as we are fully aware that local health resources are stretched thinly, particularly NHS dentistry.  With […]

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Green candidate for Stowmarket by-election announced

Mid Suffolk Green Party is delighted to announce that Chilton ward resident Lorraine Baker will be their candidate in the forthcoming by-election to be held on May 2nd. 2024 is Lorraine’s 20th year in Chilton, fundraising and volunteering for local environmental and community initiatives while her two children were educated in local schools. She is […]

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Green candidate for Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket selected

An artist and grandmother, who only got into politics a few years ago, has been selected as the Green Party’s parliamentary candidate for Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket. Emma Buckmaster will contest the newly-created seat at the next general election. After reading economics at university, Mrs Buckmaster trained as an analyst in London, before marrying […]

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Britain’s first Green-run council has passed a significant milestone with approval of its first budget

Mid Suffolk Full Council met to debate budgets for the 2024/25 year Introducing the proposals, Councillor Rachel Eburne said: “This Green Administration wishes to provide quality services to residents and businesses, invest in the district for the future while exercising good financial management. In the long term, this means ensuring the finances are secure, despite […]

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Suffolk Green-led councillors Express Disgust at Rwanda Bill Victory

Members of Suffolk County Council’s Green, Lib Dem and Independent Group today expressed their disgust about the successful vote in Parliament yesterday to further the Conservative policy to deport asylum seekers in Rwanda. The bill, which will now be discussed in the House of Lords, proposes that Rwanda is a safe country to house the […]

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A letter from Green councillor Jen Overett in response to Ipswich’s Conservative MP Tom Hunt’s desires for a bypass to the north of the town

Above is a letter published in the Ipswich Star and Essex EADT on 21 December 2023, from our Green Party councillor Jen Overett, who was writing in response to Ipswich’s Conservative MP Tom Hunt’s opinion piece about wishing to have a bypass to the north of Ipswich. […]

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