Local Green Party celebrates initial successes as nominations close

People and plans to improve the Mid Suffolk District

Mid Suffolk Green Party members are delighted to see their 29 District candidates are more than any other party, and several are certain to be elected where 2 Greens face only 1 opponent in a two-member ward. In addition all four Stowmarket Town Council candidates have been elected as nominations did not exceed vacancies.

Longest-serving councillor, Andrew Stringer commented:
“It looks as if the Conservatives have already thrown in the towel with a month to go, and that Greens are the only party with a serious intention to run the District Council for the next 4 years.”

Group leader Councillor Andy Mellen summed up: “Huge thanks to all our candidates, agents and members have already put in so much work to get to this point, already ahead of the other parties in so many ways. We have contacted the vast majority of electors, and they know we have the right people and a sound plan to improve the District.”

District councillors are very concerned at the errors in the published nominations for District and Parish elections, and have sought urgent checking and corrections.

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