Tory council erodes democracy by cancelling Mid Suffolk District Council Meeting

The full Council meeting of Mid Suffolk District Council due for Thursday 25th November has been cancelled; the Green and Liberal Democrat Group strongly disagrees with this decision, which erodes democracy and accountability, with fewer council meetings held per year.

Councillor Andy Mellen, group leader, said “full Council meetings are very important for councillors across the political spectrum, representing all residents, to receive reports and question council activities.  Members of the public are also able to attend these meetings and ask questions themselves.  The Conservative administration may argue there was little substantive business, but we would ask ‘why is this the case?'”

If this meeting had been held, the Green and Liberal Democrat Group had put forward two issues for debate: How the council could improve house-building standards in terms of environmental performance, particularly in relation to CoP26.  Secondly, the efficiency and structure of council decision-making.  Additionally, the Group wished to ask questions on several issues, including parking in Stowmarket; social housing and what support the council could provide to residents impacted by Covid plus the reduction in Universal Credit.

Councillor John Field, deputy group leader, said “This implies that the Conservative Administration does not value these council meetings, does not wish to be open to scrutiny and does not want to answer questions from the public nor any of the district councillors when there is so much we could be doing.  The purpose of these meetings is not simply a rubber-stamping exercise.”

Andy Mellen: 07790 992619

John Field: 07545 423808

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